Technology Blessings

Sergey Zolkin

We lament that our technology is distracting and isolates us. We must choose to connect in person by putting down the tech and making eye and voice contact directly. But today I choose to rejoice in the connections my technology completes in my life.

My social media keep me in contact with friends, some from childhood. High school classmates and others who attended when I did gather news and updates on events and one another. Following my college sports teams and activity pages keeps me in tune with what’s happening even though I now live 1200 miles away. I have friends from multiple churches on my page, some not seen in person in years, but all dear to my heart. I continually remind myself to rejoice because spending eternity with these precious people is the future.

In the last week, my cell phone has kept me connected with family members, including my daughters in love, one 1000 miles away and the other almost 3500 miles and another country away. They are both dear to me. I’ve shared a home with one and time and heart love with the other. They love my sons in ways I cannot and complete their husbands lives as I prayed for years before they even met. Both are excellent mothers – my grandchildren are so loved by their parents. My family gives me great joy.

Being able to talk with these beautiful women and encourage them to be and do what God has called them results in delight in my heart. A conversation with one of them just this morning brought me to happy and loving tears. I feel closer to them both because we can talk. I remember the days when long distance, especially international calls, were so expensive that they were made only because of holidays or emergencies. Sharing our lives brings us closer that we could have been before the advent of current technology.

My new church family works hard to remain connected. Because we don’t yet have a permanent location, we stay in touch with one another via various technologies, emails, instant messenger apps, texts, etc. Knowing the plans for our new church well in advance helps us to be in attendance for events and to share the vision our leaders have been given by God. Using church phone trees has gone the way of the dodo; a broadcast is easy and quick via software easily accessible by computer or smart phone.

Personal connections can be lost in this tech-driven world. But they can be maintained in families and churches and demonstrate our commitment to one another.

John 13:35 By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love and unselfish concern for one another. Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved.

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