His Perfect Timing

God is faithful to teach me how to trust His timing. My natural personality makes waiting difficult. He changes my heart to be more like His, for He knows the awesome result that comes from a perfectly timed event.

I believe I am called to join the build team for the new Gateway Houston. This new church is pastored by Ethan and Elaine Morris and other Gateway team members and will be launched in January 2020. The processes for putting the team of servants in place is ongoing. My response and ensuing attendance at training meetings gives me great joy.

God alleviated my heart’s concern about the timing of letting my service team leader at Lakewood Church know of the coming change. I fixed a date to tell her in my mind and I began praying for the right opportunity to share my wonderful news. God answered my prayer as He always does, faithfully. My team leader called me, told me of the changes in her life and service to and for the church, and my news was welcome as it took care of an issue in her heart. Our leadership at Lakewood blessed and prayed for me, releasing me to the new work. My spiritual covering was seamless, another sign of God’s timing.

New calling is a hallmark of my life. God has moved me from state to state and church to church on several occasions. Sometimes it has been within a group of believers, sometimes just my family, most recently just me. The arrangements for the change are always orchestrated by God; I just cooperate with His plan.

Rest and healing are ongoing for me as are the associated lessons that are working patience out of my spirit and into my soul and body. God’s faithfulness makes what could be a difficult time into a time of blessing and joy. I truly know that His timing is perfect for this change.

Psalm 31:15 My times are in Your hands…. Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved.

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