Waiting and Acting Now


One life challenge for all of us is to complete tasks and reach goals in a timely manner. At one time, I was too good at it, doing tasks out of fear instead of faith. I remember feeling panicked if I didn’t balance the checkbook the day the statement came. Online banking eliminates that issue but I first learned to not let the need rule my day and my attitude. A mark of maturity, some call it adulting, is accomplishing a task when it needs to be done – now – instead of waiting until the deadline is imminent. Eliminating the panic of perhaps not meeting the goal yields peace.

My challenge right now is striking the balance between mature, timely task and goal completion and waiting on God’s timing. This season of rest and healing is nearing the finish line. My soul and body tell me that I am much improved. Unpleasant jobs still fight for my time and energy. I find it easier to help others than myself, especially in the heat of summer. Southeast Texas summers require schedule rearrangement to keep cool during the late afternoon and evening. The outside temperature one morning this week was 81 degrees F at 5:20 a.m. and daily “feels like” readings soar into the 100s most afternoons.

Fighting the feeling that forward steps in my life depend on others not procrastinating is daunting for my soul. The issue is to believe that others hear from God consistently and accurately and can act on what they hear promptly. Particularly nerve wracking is not knowing who is responsible for what. Often, God works behind the scenes in our lives until His plan is ready to be launched. Many times, He has hinted at what is to come for me without the details. Knowing the goal and waiting for it to unfold stretches me to learn patience. Believing God is faithful to His word, I trust that He speaks all we need to hear in advance (Amos 3:7).

I get help for this lesson from a Bible study. Max Lucado’s “Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World” reaffirms my habit of praying with gratitude and thanks. He reports that the relevant passage from Philippians 4 is one of the most highlighted scriptures in electronic books. Both the book and study guide are available through the links below. Peace be unto you today.


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