Faithful Friends, Faithful God

Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching. Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation

God confirmed this week that my consistent lifestyle of having godly friends who pray for me is extremely beneficial. Attending a family reunion out of state was in question. I very much want to go but the wisdom of the expenses seemed in doubt to me. So, I enlisted my church prayer team and longtime prayer partner to seek God’s wisdom about it. My own doubts relate to my struggle to trust God as a provider; I am doing better, but still need encouragement.

My prayer partner and friend encouraged me to go as soon as she heard and her prayer focus yielded the same result. My prayer team leader prayed until she received peace. She confirmed that the joyous event was for me as well as the rest of my family.

God’s grace to be an active part of a local church continues to be an active part of my Christian walk. Sometimes it is difficult to identify where to attend. He is faithful to keep me in a local church where I can be fed and where I can serve. Praying for others is really my primary occupation and that has been the focus of ministry for me for many years. Serving with a team creates a small group that spans our large city. We communicate during the week primarily by text, but we are available to one another via phone too. Our face-to-face meeting each week before service is always blessed. Relationships prosper with sharing our experiences based on the current scripture and topic, allowing us to share our lives. Prayer requests connect us as we pray for one another as well as the congregants in service.

Our pastor’s commitment to have us pray for anyone who needs agreement is rock solid. It is rare that we have corporate prayer instead. Even with a guest speaker and more who need prayer than usual, we face the potential overload and time constraints with grace, and God and the Holy Spirit prevail. If they know we are Christians by our love, as the old song says, we certainly demonstrate it every week bringing people and their hurts and needs to God’s throne.

For me, the certainty of friends who pray eases my burden. I hear from God for myself but confirmation in times of confusion or uncertainty reassures me of His love and direction for my life.

Do you have someone in your life who consistently prays for and with you?

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