Early Summer Anniversaries


June is a season of remembrance for me. I graduated from college in June. Father’s Day evokes memories of my family: A great-grandfather who lived until I was 20, my grandfathers, my father, and my sons as fathers. It is also a reminder of a marriage that began in mid-June and ended in mid-July after 28 years. Then there are my sons’ birthdays, both this month, both a great blessing to me when they were born and now. This year especially is the first anniversary of my grandson Josiah’s birth.

Choosing to celebrate instead of mourn can be a struggle for many of us. I fight a lapse into bleakness that can overwhelm my quiet days. This weekend is poignant; Josiah was born June 15; our wedding anniversary would have been June 16 and this year coincides with Father’s Day.

I’m not sure how to celebrate the life of one who touched mine so briefly. Josiah was born with total trisomy 18, which geneticists tell us is the result of a gene break very early in the pregnancy. Causes are unknown and it is just an accident, like when one grandson broke his finger recently. Learning how to do new things is something my heavenly Father wants me to do…this blog was new almost six years ago and now I just sit down, write, and post. So, this first year of celebrating Josiah’s life is about the newness of a different kind of celebration.

This season of starting a new life makes uncertainty a daily experience as I still do not know the direction for income other than writing. Exploring the possibilities beings this week. I cling to the promise made through a friend’s vision: That I am hedged in on all sides and can only move forward on the path God intends for me. A current meme indicates I don’t have the power to thwart God’s plan for my future, a comforting thought. So today, Father’s Day 2019, I rest in His word that I believe applies to me and my life:

Philippians 1:6 For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation


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