His plans are intricate

I experienced the intricacy of God’s planning abilities this weekend. My long-awaited and prayed-for book publishing happened on Amazon this month. The story idea came to me so many years ago that I cannot pinpoint the time. The finished story was published in serial form here several years ago. I updated and added to it just last year and began the process of getting a cover made and the file conversion necessary to self-publish the book.

The publishing process took more time than expected, but the final work was only uploaded and approved by mid-March. I requested author copies for a few friends and received them only last week. But it was all in God’s time.

I wanted very much to bless my pastor’s wife with the book as I admire her greatly. Victoria Osteen shares from her heart at most services, encouraging our church and visitors to trust God and look to Him for all our needs and for help with all areas of our lives. She writes herself and is publishing a new work next week. https://thecleftforlife.com/2019/03/22/exceptional-you-by-victoria-osteen/

Our pastor, Joel Osteen, greets visitors and members for a limited time after service and this weekend, I hoped to give him my book for Victoria. To my surprise, Saturday night included a couple of baby dedications and Victoria joined Joel greeting those of us in line. I was able to put my book in her hand with thanks and blessings. In the years I’ve attended and served at Lakewood, I’ve only seen baby dedications at the Saturday night service a few times. God’s timing in making my book available just the right week for a direct connection to my pastor and his wife is astounding.

It is also greatly encouraging to me that I am not straggling behind God and His timing for other plans for my life. The healing of my body and soul since mid-summer last year have changed me for the better, making me into the woman God created me to be in greater measure. This week, I believe God warned me about a potential problem through another video. I feel better prepared to anticipate and prevent what could result in serious sin, hampering my ability to represent Jesus to my world. All in all, the scripture is once again proving itself to be true:

Psalm 31:15a My times are in your hands….Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved.



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