Remembering What He’s Done

Gabor from Hungary

I realized about two weeks ago that I am entering the finish of a season. It takes nine months to birth a baby and I am nearing that amount of time since my job ended and a season of rest and healing began. It was a confirmation that God is birthing a new life for me. I don’t know everything about it. I believe He has given me clues and hints. One friend saw me in a maze, but it was not the usual kind with twists and turns and dead ends. She saw me on a path, straight and bright, hedged in so that I could not choose a wrong direction. I believe He is about to fulfill some dreams of my heart that He planted years ago, that He watered, that seemed to wilt and die, but that He revived in the last few years.

One dream that is very near to being fulfilled is publishing my novella. I am self-publishing on Amazon to start, with more platforms to follow. I’ll let you all know when it is available. The machinations of publishing have been far more intricate and complicated than I ever thought possible, but the process itself has encouraged me to trust God to have my times in His hands (Psalm 31:15). Jon Acuff’s book “Finish” ( inspired me last year to get it done and get it published.

This blog was the first dream He fulfilled. My pastor encouraged us in 2013 to start something we knew God wanted us to do, and this website was that task. I had tried many years ago, before the Internet was to a level to allow more than forum postings, and I did not succeed. I was ahead of God then, but in September 2013, I launched The Cleft For Life in response to the Lord’s prompting through Joel Osteen. I had longed for many years to share my passion for making time for God every day. Having this opportunity has inspired my writing to be more consistent and I hope inspires my subscribers to seek the face of God and not just His hands.

In contemplating the new life God is birthing, I have been concerned about how He plans to provide for me. Just yesterday, I recalled when my older son was born. I had worked fulltime right up until he made his appearance. But almost a year before that, my then husband had been sought out by a major company to join its chemical division. By the time my son was born, my husband’s income was greater than the two of us had brought in before his new job. It allowed us to let me stay home to raise our children as we had hoped. As I look forward to this new life, whatever form it takes, I take comfort in remembering what God has done.

Psalm 105:4-5a  Seek, inquire of and for the Lord, and crave Him and His strength (His might and inflexibility to temptation); seek and require His face and His presence [continually] evermore. [Earnestly] remember the marvelous deeds that He has done, His miracles and wonders… Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation

Are you facing a hard time today? Think back to God’s faithfulness to you and your loved ones – remembering His blessings and intervention can give us hope and faith for the future.

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