Peace in a storm

God proved Himself faithful to His word to me again last week. On Valentine’s Day not long after 5 p.m., multiple gunshots rang out on my street. My experience with target shooting confirmed it was not fireworks and that it was larger than a .22 and an automatic weapon because of the rapidity of the shots. I reported to the 911 operator immediately that 8 to 10 shots had been fired and that a preteen boy had run through my backyard.

My neighborhood is usually quiet other than speeders and occasional petty theft of boxes at front doors or of unlocked vehicles. I suspect it was a gang-related issue; gang activity has invaded most parts of the greater Houston area. Law enforcement response was very quick; our municipal utility district pays for 24-hour patrolling and the first cruiser was on my street in minutes. A supervisor told me they had found shell casings and the street was blocked until evidence was collected and the scene processed.

I exchanged more complete information with my cattycorner neighbor who also lives alone. We agreed being able to talk without going outdoors would be a good idea moving forward. I shared with her a scripture God had given me a couple of weeks ago:

Psalm 4:8 In peace [and with a tranquil heart] I will both lie down and sleep, For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety and confident trust. Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved.

God was true to His word. Despite the incident being disturbing, I was not frightened, and I did indeed sleep as well as ever that night, and awakened refreshed and feeling well the next morning. I will remember His faithfulness to give me peace in a time that could have been more than disturbing. Knowing His peace is just one of the great blessings of being the child of God that I am through the saving blood of Jesus Christ. Do you know Him? If you do, are you spending enough time with Him to be at peace?

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