Covenants fulfilled

Today I rejoice in fulfilled covenants, especially in marriages. A wonderful man of God went to be with Jesus this weekend, and his 20-year marriage with the sweet woman he loved ended. But it didn’t just end – their covenant was fulfilled.

This idea of fulfilled covenant came to me via a dear sister in the Lord many years ago. As she sat at the funeral of yet another man connected to our church via marriage, she realized that his wife and family could rejoice, not just in his salvation and homegoing to heaven, but that the marriage covenant of multiple decades had been completed.

Both sets of my grandparents did the same. They were faithful to and loved their spouses until their last breath – a heritage worth remembering. Although my parents’ marriage did not last due to selfishness, I have known it is possible to love one person throughout life.

But the foundation of the marriage must be solid and godly these days. Mine was not and failed when I broke our marriage covenant after I was saved, healed, and delivered of those unholy foundation stones. My husband could have chosen to also be delivered but did not. Thus, our union, born in worldly love, dissolved. I bear him no ill will – I was the one that changed. I believe foundations made on shifting sands will inevitably collapse at some point; some survive, others do not.

This week, I pray for my friend whose husband died this weekend. The loss of a husband results in new need for dependency on the One who loves you with an everlasting love. She knows Him intimately and He will be her Comforter, but the loss is still felt, and I know she needs the support of her natural and church families.

The covenant God makes with each individual believer will be fulfilled – His promise to be with us through all times, good and bad, is reflected in marriage based on His faithfulness. It also means each of us who has accepted His blood sacrifice for our sins can be convinced of the surety of His promises.

The godly man who died this weekend sought to bring everyone he knew to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Do you know Him? If you do, rejoice with me in our God’s faithfulness. If not, please consider speaking with someone you know who loves Jesus about how to know Him. God longs for your friendship.

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