Greater freedom

God is faithful to free me from the past yet again. He used a resource I had purchased almost three years ago to expose my need for healing and deliverance. I had read Robert Morris’ book “Truly Free” not long after I first purchased it. An earlier blog records what God did for me at that time.(

Last week, I was prompted to reread this book and to my surprise two additional issues were exposed. One was a family trait of using food inappropriately. I finally saw gluttony as the generational curse that it is. Remembering stories from my grandmother about her family and my grandfather’s relatives exposed the truth. My freedom, and I pray the freedom of others in my generation and those following, was marked after repentance and prayer, resulting in a better awareness of the difference between true hunger and unmet spiritual needs.

A second revelation occurred as I realized that the abuse I suffered from a hired hand when I was 4 years old had tainted my relationship with every human male in my experience. Coupled with my father’s consistently selfish and unloving behavior, I mistook the hired hand’s attention for love. It colored my behavior and expectations from boys and men throughout my lifetime until now. I believe that exposing the truth has set me free to receive God’s ways of relating to the men and boys in my life. Indeed, I have noticed a difference in my perception of characters/presenters in watching streaming videos already, and in my response to friends at church.

I recommend the book by Pastor Morris to all my subscribers. The link to the Gateway website is below. It is also available in e-book formats at the usual outlets.

John 8:36  So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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