Intertwined lives

God is faithful to remind me that we are intertwined with one another on this earth. I noticed on Facebook this morning that two of my friends know each other, a fact I had not realized before. I also became aware this weekend that His work to move me forward on the path He has for me is not solely determined by my choices and life circumstances.

A relationship that is in its infancy seems to be hindered by those circumstances. I am well aware that the enemy of our lives in Christ tries to thwart God’s plans for each of us. Someone I had hoped to connect with at church got a phone call and had to leave service early. A plan to speak after church never happened. It was annoying but I have to remember that events in each of our lives have to line up in order for progress to be made. Perhaps it was not time for the conversation I had hoped to have. Since I have requested that God’s wisdom would reign and agreed that my times are in His hands, I should not be surprised that my timeline is not necessarily best.

All this sets me to pondering how great is our God. He holds the reins of all creation in His hands and, other than our own choices, He governs all that happens, even those things that seem uncontrolled or have negative consequences. Even then, His word promises that He will work out all things for our good for them that love Him and are called to His purposes (Romans 8:28). Right now, working out my salvation means allowing patience to have its perfect work – probably one of the greatest struggles of my life is waiting as it runs counter to my natural personality. Being conformed to the image of Christ, being like Jesus, is my life’s goal, and above all, I desire to wait with a good attitude. I seem to have ample opportunity to choose what direction my thoughts will move in daily. God, thank you for granting me grace to choose what is best for my thoughts, prayers, and actions.

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