Praying even more specifically


I am grateful God continues to teach me new strategies for prayer. I learned long ago about daily prayer. My mentor and spiritual mother taught a group of us about praying daily. She led a group of women in praying together on Tuesday afternoons at her home. Her lifestyle of praise, prayer, and seeking the face of God each morning of her life impacted us all. The order she had set for herself varied only by location; every morning of her life, she sought God and let Him know her concerns.

I have followed her example throughout my walk with God. Indeed, this blog has grown out of my learning the importance of time with God. Its impact on my life cannot be overestimated. The peace that acts as umpire in my heart comes from my choice of making God first, not just once in the morning but minute by minute. Living in The Cleft For Life is a way of existence I find I cannot do without.

This morning, I listened to a teaching about God’s character that prompted me to a new emphasis in prayer. I have long prayed blessings on those I love and included specific concerns as God led. In the past, I have used pamphlets about praying scriptures over situations and people I am committed to praying for, usually for a season. But today, I felt commissioned by God to make praying for a specific person a new focus for seeking Him each day. I purchased a resource relating to this relationship I am believing will happen, and launched into a new emphasis in my prayer time, making this person a singular priority in a more complete way.

I have shared with friends that I believe 2019 is a year when the promises of God, some decades old, will be manifested. We need complete support to actively enter combat status in the spiritual realm so that many will come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. Many of those promises are related to freedom from hindrances that keep us focused on the daily issues of life, when the eternal implications for the lives of others are far more important. I know that freedom can make a difference in the ability and opportunity to share with others. I shared with my prayer team that being more aware of the needs of others as I walk through my day is a desire of my heart. I believe the time for the harvest is growing short; I want to be part of the commission to reveal His love to a hurting, dying world, one heart at a time.

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