Help! I need wisdom

Sergey Zolkin

Someone I know must have figured this out. I knew that having only distance vision after cataract surgery could be challenging at times, but several incidents lately have me stumped. I do fine at home; I have multiple pairs of computer or reading glasses where I need them. Costco’s $20 for three pairs makes it easy. It’s when I’m not home that is the issue.

I have the appropriate glasses in an outside pocket of my purse. I don’t wear them at all times but I have found that pulling them out is more of a chore than I thought it would be. I tried glasses with an adjustable neck lanyard but found they just don’t hold up; the compression attachment comes loose. Online checks seem to indicate that chain attachments break too easily.

Recent incidents include paperwork at the pharmacy and grocery store. The most irritating problem is that I met another prayer partner after church a few weeks ago. Our conversation was intriguing and I’d like to get to know them better, but because I didn’t have my reading glasses on, I couldn’t read their name tag so I have no idea how to find them on social media or in any other format. I hope to run into them again at some point but I don’t want this problem to recur.

If you have to wear glasses for reading/computer use only, have you found a type of glasses or attachment for glasses that works more easily? If you have, please comment. Proverbs 4 says that if you need wisdom to seek it out and I need your experience and help.

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