The Word Made Flesh

John 1:1 In the beginning [before all time] was the Word ([a]Christ), and the Word was with God, and [b]the Word was God Himself.  (AMP) Copyright      © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved.

Each Christmas, I contemplate what the Son of God chose to do for all mankind: He gave up all He had and was as God in order to become human and the Lamb of God that the world might be saved from its sin. This year, thinking of my youngest grandson, I realize that the Word gave up His ability to communicate to become a human infant. Josiah Gabriel was born in June in Calgary and I could not go to be with my family then. His genetic anomalies due to chromosome breakage meant that he did not live long. I saw him over video and his response to those who loved him, either by touch or voice. But he could not communicate even as well as his older 2-year-old brother.

The One by Whom all things were created – by His spoken word – had to give up the perfect communication He was capable of to become the human infant whose birth we remember this Christmas season. I do not begin to understand all the ramifications of God becoming flesh. Having had two sons of my own, I clearly remember the frustration of not being able to always understand their needs because they couldn’t tell me. I am sure they also experienced frustration because of that – they tried their best but many times I cried out for the wisdom of God in order to meet their needs.

As we celebrate the gift of life through the birth of a baby, let us continue to be in awe that God chose to take on our frailty to save us. His love is so great that the Father sent His only Son to take our place, taking the punishment for our failures and rebellion on Himself. Because of that sacrifice, He can offer to all of us the choice to be restored to relationship with Him throughout eternity. We each have that choice to make – to accept this gift of belonging to Him.

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