Holiday choices

Fidler Jan

The autumn and winter holidays are full of choices for me again this year. My memories of the loss of family members began a long time ago. My great-grandfather died when I was in my late teens. His is the first death in the family that I was cognizant of and the first funeral I attended. Many others have followed including all of my grandparents and both my parents, great aunts and uncles, aunts and uncles, parents of close friends, former pastors, and most recently my youngest grandchild. Loss also includes both my sons and their families living at a distance – the faces seen daily for so many years are now seen only on my phone or computer during video chats. Friends removed from my intimate circle by circumstances are missed too despite living no further away. Childhood and young adult friends are long gone, remembered fondly but interaction is rare.

I learned years ago that the darkening days of winter are trying for me and I take vitamin D to help with the diminished sunshine, even here in Southeast Texas. But the real challenge is what will I allow my thought life to dwell on – loss or gain?

The gains especially this year are many: Discovering the truth about my physical needs and how to best care for my body results in improved health. Cataract surgery restores my vision beyond anything I had imagined. Learning more completely how to feed my spirit daily and to be led by the Holy Spirit in my activities yields peace and contentment. Discerning what to feed my soul through reading and entertainment and choosing actively to avoid the negative influences means my frame of mind is positive.

A song from 1992 replays in my heart regularly when the darkness threatens in any form. “I Choose Joy” spoke to me back then and continues to remind me where to set my mind. Larnell Harris wrote in his lyrics about the hope that comes from knowing God is in control and that all the issues of life that threaten to darken our souls will be worked out for our good, as Romans 8:28 says. (Lyrics:

I acknowledge that the losses in my life, including divorce, are not minimal, but neither are they overriding of the love and delight God has brought into my life since I was born again so many years ago. God has been faithful to me in all areas and I choose this holiday season to again choose joy over sorrow and delight and celebration over mourning.

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