Seasonal revelation

My pastor, Joel Osteen, hit the nail on the head this weekend. John 15 explains what happens to believers as they journey on a fruitful path – God prunes them and their lives for greater fruit production – and it is what is happening to me! I know the reality of the Christian walk. I celebrated 40 years of knowing Jesus this autumn, but a light went off in my head as I listened to the sermon Saturday night. I thought that this was just a season of rest but it is far more than that. God has been trimming away portions of my life so as to be ready and available for what is to come.

The exciting part is that I can see what He’s doing. So many times, we live in doubt because we cannot see God’s actions and we struggle to remain in faith. The fruit of pruning is clear to me especially in two areas – my job ended and my family moved away – clearing the decks for what is to come.

I recall reading “Secrets of the Vine” by Bruce Wilkinson and David Kopp ( many years ago. Unfortunately, my copy is packed up in a box somewhere so I bought the Kindle version to reread a portion of it today. The book encourages me in this season of change to embrace what God is about in order to prepare me for what lies ahead.

Two dreams will be fulfilled in my life soon – I will get to write this blog and books that glorify God, and I will be part of a marriage that looks like Jesus and His bride. There, I finally said it out loud on paper for the world to see. Timidity is past; I will look forward with boldness to what is to come. Since I abide in Him, I am asking for all that is necessary for those dreams to be fulfilled that the kingdom of God might be advanced.

John 15:7 If you remain in Me and My words remain in you [that is, if we are vitally united and My message lives in your heart], ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.

Amplified Bible Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved.

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