Giving thanks for healing

Healing is the focus of my thanks this holiday weekend. The rest God grants me yields blessing of health in many areas of my life this year, both in body and soul.

The chronic disease is healing. My need for medication is down by more than one third since January. My primary care physician says it is indeed possible that I will no longer need medication eventually. My symptoms of gastrointestinal problems are lessening and indicate healing of my gut. I have far fewer headaches, fewer joint issues, and better skin health, in part because God has given me wisdom about foods that cause inflammation for me. My vision is restored with successful cataract surgery in both eyes this year. I realize that for many years, I have been unable to see so many things; I rejoice in renewed sight.

I also rejoice in the truths God has shown me to combat lies that kept me from being the woman He created me to be. I can do what He has called me to do and encourage believers to make time for relationship with Him daily, hourly, minute by minute. I can successfully move forward into the life He has planned from before the foundation of the world. My best days are truly ahead. I choose to be joyous in whatever work He has for me to do. He will prosper whatever He has set before me. I don’t have to have my way to choose to be happy. My soul is content in knowing His plan is not only good but best.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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