Faith before fruit

Alex Blajan

Paul said that believers would be perfected until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6). That process of being perfected continues until we breathe out last breath or we are transformed at His return. But the process requires our cooperation and yielding to the Holy Spirit. I am in the midst of this process about the future. I have a vision for my new life. What God promises is very different than it has ever been and I struggle with how He can possibly do what I’ve seen.

My faith is growing; it’s being stretched and tried and challenged. Does God really mean what He said to me through His word? Does He really want to accomplish what I’ve seen in my soul and spirit? Can I trust that I hear clearly and see accurately? Agitation stirs my heart these days; the path that is before me seems to be different than the vision.

We are an evidence-based culture. My favorite mystery shows depend on evidence. But faith is the evidence of things not yet seen says the writer of Hebrews in chapter 11 verse 1, and I am learning to trust that His promise requires faith, not evidence, to come before the fruit is accomplished. My life is so very different from what I had thought it would be like. But I remember giving my soul to Him for His keeping and plan so many years ago, making God Lord as well as Savior, so it looks like His plan, not my imaginings.

I am excited that God is in charge, because His plan is best and will exceed all my hopes and dreams. I must exchange striving to move forward to rest in His plan, easier said than done. This year has been all about rest, physical, mental and emotional, and spiritual. I am nearing the finish line; by His grace I will endure with joy and anticipation until His will is accomplished.

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