Fighting with myself – or not

I am reading a book about how to finish projects. Jon Acuff’s “Finish” is opening my eyes to issues I didn’t know I had. Initially, I am shocked that things I have believed are based on lies but the enemy of my soul is first a liar and it should not be a surprise that he has successfully lied to me to influence my life choices. I thought I was fighting with myself. One of the lies is that my soul is unhappy because it doesn’t seem to be getting its way. Putting self to death is a theme for believers in Jesus Christ. Choosing to make God’s will your own can be a struggle. But His grace is sufficient for this as it is for other issues and this book is making me rethink how I view my own soul.

I seem unhappy with the direction this pathway is leading, with the changes that are in progress in my life, including how God chooses to provide for me. I find myself unwilling to continue doing work that I find distinctly unpleasant and I am exploring options to do productive work that pays my bills but is energizing, not exhausting. I love to write. It really is not work to me. Editing is one of my best skills, but perusing other people’s creation is not my favorite. One of the ideas I have gleaned from Acuff is that it really is okay to have fun with your work. As a result, I am considering that my desire to change what I do is part of God’s way of redirecting me to a better way of living, more in keeping with His purpose for me and not my soul pouting.

The struggle comes in discerning how to do what I love and have enough income after tithing to meet my needs and give to others. My declaration today is that God is faithful and He will show me how to fulfill His purpose for my life as He provides all I need. (Philippians 4:19).

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