The path grows brighter still

anita peppers

The path before me grows brighter. I am so excited that God is leading. I grow more and more certain that His promise to keep me on His path for the next stage in my life is being fulfilled. I hear the words “suddenly” and “prepare.” This week, friends gave me advice on my home and the refurbishment it needs soon. I know and am convinced that God’s provision for all that needs done will come. The list is extensive. My friends gave me wisdom about what actually should be done and what is not necessary.

Several streams of change proceed in my life. My sons and their families now live more than a day’s drive. I long to be able to spend extended periods in the areas they live, near but not with, as fish and company tend to be unpalatable after only a few days. I have a sister still near our original home in Columbus, Ohio but two of my sisters and my brother are in Alaska, Arkansas and Florida. I entertain the notion of a more nomadic lifestyle, perhaps with one central home but being able to travel to see those I love more than in the past.

Another changing stream is work. I sense I am not to be tethered to a location, but to be able to write and work wherever, including having an online presence whether in my own business or working for others. My first preference is to simply write, but there are still bills to be paid and regular income is a must. I am exploring opportunities with an agency as I write this.

I expect God to keep His promises to me because He always has. One promise given many years ago is outstanding: That of a marriage that looks like Jesus and His bride. I still believe in His faithfulness. All His purposes for my life will be fulfilled.

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