Giving thanks for healing

Healing is the focus of my thanks this holiday weekend. The rest God grants me yields blessing of health in many areas of my life this year, both in body and soul. The chronic disease is healing. My need for Continue reading Giving thanks for healing

Faith before fruit

Paul said that believers would be perfected until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6). That process of being perfected continues until we breathe out last breath or we are transformed at His return. But the process requires our cooperation Continue reading Faith before fruit

Fighting with myself – or not

I am reading a book about how to finish projects. Jon Acuff’s “Finish” is opening my eyes to issues I didn’t know I had. Initially, I am shocked that things I have believed are based on lies but the Continue reading Fighting with myself – or not

The path grows brighter still

The path before me grows brighter. I am so excited that God is leading. I grow more and more certain that His promise to keep me on His path for the next stage in my life is being fulfilled. I Continue reading The path grows brighter still