New realization of His goodness


The goodness of God is very real to me. I perceive it today in a new way. In his new book, “Next Level Thinking”, my pastor tells the story of his daughter asking for cash for an outing with her friends. After hearing her dad say yes and tell her where to get the money, she appears to start to leave without it. When he reminds her she needs to get the cash, she tells him that she knew he’d say yes and she’d already gotten it. It made him very happy to know that she was certain of his love.

I realized the story entailed even more about their relationship than just love. The daughter already knew she had her dad’s permission to go on the outing, so she was certain that he’d provide what she needed to go, and that’s why she was comfortable getting the money before asking. It struck me right where I am now. I have my Father’s permission and calling to be a writer for His glory. He will be happy to provide what I need to do it successfully.

Provision is an issue for me. I’ve been abandoned financially by the two most important men in my life and trusting God to be different is a lesson I’m still learning. The loss of my job this year due to cutbacks has brought this attitude to the fore. I learn daily to believe God is my provider and that He has already made a way and written my story of victory for His glory. Provision for the interim between the end of my job and eye surgery is in the form of severance and now prequalified unemployment compensation. I also have an employment agency’s assistance to move forward to another income stream.

The dream God has put in my heart will come to pass because it’s also His dream and calling on my life. I launched this blog in 2013 when my pastor told us to step out in an area that we knew was God’s plan for us. He said we needed to be brave and just move forward, trusting that our path would be clear. God has been faithful to inspire what I have to say for more than five years now. He will continue His faithful provision and leading. I am still walking by the light of His word which illumines my path. This scripture speaks to me today about my journey:

Psalm 97:11: Light is sown [like seed] for the righteous and illuminates their path, And [irrepressible] joy [is spread] for the upright in heart [who delight in His favor and protection]. (AMP)

Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631

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