Rejoicing today and forever

I rejoice today in the healing of my sight that cataract surgery has accomplished. I had no idea how bad my sight had become until after my second cataract surgery. Both were very successful and I should only need reading glasses for the rest of my life. The second eye is still healing, but the clarity in vision is markedly improved with my eyes working in tandem again.

I remember why God taught me to pray thanking not asking. It was a lesson very early in my walk with Christ. I cannot remember who said it to me but I very clearly remember the admonition to “pray thanking, not asking.” I learned that it was a mark of my new faith, that it said I believed God was capable of meeting my needs, and that thanking Him in advance of the manifestation of His faithfulness was a lesson to learn.

That attitude has been confirmed over and over again in the past 40 years.

I just realized that the anniversary of my rebirth as a new creation in Christ is this week; it was sort of a birthday present for my mother and me, as our birthdays are just a week apart. She was so happy with the change she saw in my life, and so was I. Not everyone in my life was positive but the peace and life I found 40 years ago is a hallmark of who I became and am now. God continues His healing and maturing of me in spirit, soul, and body. Celebrating my spiritual birthday has become part of my earthly birthday celebration.

I am walking a new path; my job ended this summer and because of needing the cataract surgery, I have not been able to move forward until now. Words from the Lord from two directions are encouraging me. One was that I would receive His vision for what’s next. The other was that my path was straight, could not be missed, and was hedged in on either side so I could not err as I walk it. Encouragement indeed!

This season of rest I have entered resulted in revelation that I have previously written about as well as a rest for my body and soul. Extended rest has been lacking for me; I rejoice that it is near completion and I believe I will never go without sufficient rest of body and mind, will, and emotions again. Rest is a part of His work to allow me to fulfill my purpose in and for Him; without sufficient rest, I am less than He made me to be. I know He will complete the work.

Philippians 1:6 I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return]. Amplified Bible 

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