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anita peppers

My final eye surgery is scheduled for next week. I have been reminded this week of a concept God showed me a long time ago. What I wrote before is still true and His faithfulness is sure:

Ps 131:2 Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with his mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me [ceased from fretting].

More than 10 years ago, I saw this scripture while reading one day and God began to tell me its significance. I had been learning a little about the family life of the Middle East, especially the nomadic tribes like the Hebrews had been for 40 years. Back then, families lived in small tents and husbands and wives used different ones with the girls and younger boys who still needed mom’s care sleeping in the mother’s tent and older boys with their father. It divided labor and allowed fathers to teach their sons how to be men and leaders by example.

God taught me through this scripture what being a weaned child meant. It was a child who no longer nursed but whose position in the family had not yet been supplanted by a new baby. Those of us who are moms can recognize that our relationships with the baby in our family never changes the way the older ones did when the next child came along. The love remains but a subtle change in the relationship is almost inevitable. A somewhat mystical connection exists between mothers and their last born that is never wiped away. There is a tenderness and closeness we feel forever.

God then went on to tell me that I was His weaned child. He said that our relationship was tender and close like that above and that no one could supplant me. I had known that according to the Bible I was the apple of His eye, but then I understood at a deeper level the feeling He has for me and that I have for Him.

He went on. Because God is a perfect parent, each one who has accepted the gift of salvation immediately becomes His weaned child. He never lets anyone else take over our position in His heart. When you accepted Jesus as Savior, you became God’s weaned child. His tenderness and affection for you cannot be supplanted by another.

If you haven’t accepted Jesus, please don’t delay another hour. God longs to make you the apple of His eye, His weaned child and to lavish His love on you. To find out more about how to accept Jesus, please check out another page in The Cleft for Life:

If you already know Him, do you know about your position as His weaned child? He longs for you to seek His face in your own Cleft for Life and receive and celebrate His love for you and yours for him.

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