Same question, different answers

It is a first. The first time I can remember. An agent (live person) from a federal agency told me another federal agency is the one I need to accomplish a task. The automated response at the second said it was the first agency. So I reached out to a third party private company for advice and got all the information I need to complete the change of status.

I am perturbed that our government is so inept. I think it is why so many voted for someone from outside Washington. I’m sure my experience is common to many; feeling no one knows what they’re doing is frustrating and when it’s about something important in your future, it is particularly vexing.

I always plan ahead whenever possible. Letting things go until the last minute is not who I am and not how I live my life. I do tasks when they need to be done not when they have to be done. Beating deadlines at the very end was my style at one time; the anxiety associated with that cured me. I start well in advance of deadlines now; less stress is the result. So I am very happy that I started this new effort well in advance; I was assured that there should be adequate time for federal agency delays in case they happen.

Part of what is going on is due to transition. My old job ended and I continue to seek God for what is next. A delay in my eye surgery also delays the transition; I need to have my restored vision to work at a computer consistently whether writing or editing. I am also transitioning in thought. I realized more than a week ago that I had believed a lie concerning ministry that colored my vision of my role in the Body of Christ and how I am to serve God (thank you, Lisa Bevere and “Without Rival”).

It also has affected relationships. I am so grateful for the change in thought patterns I am experiencing based on the truth of God’s Word. I look forward to how my writing will change as well as my view of the future.

He is always faithful to get me to where I need to be because my times are truly in His hands.

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