Reward for obedience

Lake Louise from the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise by Peg Parker

God encourages me when I’m obedient to His direction. I received and acted on a leading to send a book to a friend last week. She told me yesterday it was life changing for her. She believes she was finally healed of old false teaching from a church where she was born again. For years, she suffered because of this incorrect teaching and subsequent reinforcement from another church. She is now free and ready to move forward in the special work God has planned for her in the community where she and her husband retired.

This is especially helpful to me just now. I am in the process of following God’s lead for what’s next for my life, and knowing I heard correctly for my friend reassures me I will also know the direction for me. I want to seek what He has planned, not what I might want or others think is best. I have applied for the only position I might enjoy with my previous employer (my position was eliminated so I am eligible for rehire). It is an onsite job but I’m sensing I should go back to working from home which only requires a computer and internet service. It would allow me to work from anywhere and the option of moving may become desirable.

Unlike the children of Israel, I am trying to remember God’s faithfulness to me and others and reinforce and enlarge my faith in His ability and willingness to provide for me. My history makes that more difficult than some might experience. Having a father who did not provide for his family due to a selfish lifestyle results in attitudes I must allow God to change. God has proved Himself faithful over and over again, spectacularly at times. He brought a buyer for our home in Ohio when we moved to Texas. Not only was it for full asking price in December when houses don’t sell, it was also a cash offer and closing happened rapidly and without problem.

I learn daily to reflect on His faithful provision and protection as I look to the future. He is my hope and my times are in His hands. While persecution is not an issue for now, the feeling of uncertainty could plague me. Instead, I choose to cling to His promises of faithful provision.


Psalm 31:15 My times are in Your hands; rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from those who pursue and persecute me.

Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved.

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