Another answer comes

God’s answers are sometimes not what we hope for but they are best. My youngest grandchild rests in the peace of Jesus and his loved ones welcomed him last week to eternity. Josiah Gabriel made himself known while he was here. I never got to hold him but he could hear me singing songs of love and deliverance over him and he responded each time. I am not happy that I could not actually be with him but God’s timing is best. I know when my time comes, he will be among those to welcome me, or, should Jesus return, Josiah will be among those who come with Him, whole forever.

I realize that I have needed to be part of closure. My senior year in high school, two recent graduates died and I went to their funerals. Being part of an event is important to me. It’s also why I spent money every year for student football ticket in college; there is nothing like being at a game, especially in the ‘Shoe.

So today, I’m choosing to remember what happened and what I got to witness of Josiah’s life:

  • I remember when my son told me they were expecting and how excited I was.
  • I remember his older brother being happy about a new baby.
  • I remember finding out he was a boy and encouraging my daughter-in-love that having two boys would be a blessing.
  • I remember when my son called to say that the doctors were concerned.
  • I remember praying and asking my friends to pray for a miracle.
  • I remember the day my son called to say they were going to the hospital for a procedure; but it turned out labor had started and Josiah was born at 33 weeks, 2 lb 2 oz, and with genetic complications.
  • I remember getting to see him in the hospital over video chat.
  • I remember singing to him in the Spirit and him responding with facial expression and hands reaching out.
  • I remember he was so sweet and needed so much care.
  • I remember my son saying the health care providers were so supportive.
  • I remember when my son called to say that Josiah went to be with Jesus.

And today I say “see you later Josiah Gabriel” as we know we will all meet up later before the throne or here as the Bride of Christ. I look forward to the hugs with a sweet grandson.

2 Replies to “Another answer comes”

  1. Peg, I am so very sorry for the loss here on earth that your family has suffered. Praying for our Heavenly Father to minister His peace, comfort and strength to each of you. May the sweet moments you wrote of also bring comfort and healing to your heart and mind.

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