Waiting and answers

Hector Arguello Canals

My family is waiting on God to move. My newest grandchild is 2 weeks old, was born prematurely, and has serious health problems. We have been praying and speaking healing over my grandson. I have asked others to join me in prayer and they have. We are waiting for evidence of what God is doing; some is in place, but in the natural and to those without faith, problems seem overwhelming.

In another area, waiting is over. I was released from my job this week as the position was eliminated. Loss of job is usually a reason for mourning and worry. I am rejoicing. James says to “count it all joy when you encounter various trials” and I am. I know that a closed door always means an open one ahead. I have sensed a season of tremendous change coming and it clearly is beginning. My pastor speaks over his people that our best days are to come, they are in front of us, and I have found him to be correct. God’s faithfulness to provide for me will be more evident than ever in the season to come; the word for this quarter is “summer of plenty” and He will provide.

Learning to wait on God’s timing seems to be a theme with me, as I believe it is for most believers. My natural personality requires that things that need doing should have been done yesterday. It’s not how God does things and it’s not how I need to live. This is a lifelong learning process and I really want to learn this phase of it so I don’t have go around the proverbial mountain again.

I am waiting on healing as well. I was able to decrease my daily medication again recently, evidence that ongoing healing is in progress. However, my eye surveillance is put off; my appointment for next month was canceled by my eye surgeon’s office due to his travels. I’ll make another one when we have more clarity about my new grandson.

I am resting in God’s faithfulness and provision. I have peace and rest because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I also know that the path of those who have chosen to be His grows brighter and brighter and I will not miss a step because He is leading me. I choose joy today! Will you join me?

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