Highs and lows

It’s been a week of highs and lows. And highs again. Got a contact lens for the eye that is healing with cataract surgery at the end. It’s for distance only and lets me use reading/computer glasses that allow my healed eye to do the work. A great blessing. It feels like my vision has been restored even though there are still cataract issues.

My newest grandchild was born Wednesday. Premature at 33 weeks’ gestation. Problems from the start. He was diagnosed with trisomy 18 and has challenges ahead. One problem was fixed with surgery Friday but he had complications from the surgery. He’s still with us but we need creative miracles for his little body. I’m thankful our God is able and willing.

All this has reinforced the certain knowledge that a life of prayer is my calling along with writing of God’s faithfulness.

My contact lens is an example. The first one didn’t work quite as needed but the second is great. I can now wait however long it takes for the healing from nodule removal before having the cataract surgery. For the other eye, it turned out to be 7 months because of an intervening health issue. I’ll just go to the eye doctor about once a month until all is stable and we can proceed. Once again, God proves that my times are in His hands.

The surgeons who worked on my grandson were amazed at how well it worked, despite the complications. My son is with his little guy today and I’ll get an update. Until then, Josiah Gabriel is constantly on my mind and heart; lifting him before The Lord is becoming like breathing. His problems are so much greater than anything else I face personally. It is dwarfing issues at work and at home; perspective is subject to change and mine certainly has.

As I type this, I see my computer screen more clearly than I have in perhaps 3 years or more. My visual acuity diminished so gradually that I was unaware of how bad it had become until I got it back on Thursday with the new lens and reading glasses. Seeing to write has been difficult and I now realize I’ve been avoiding computer use at home due to the strain on my eyes and resultant headaches. I’m rejoicing that steps toward healing have relieved this problem.

Other challenges remain. As the old song says, I am convinced that God who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it. Philippians 1:6. Listen here:



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