Second eye, repeat verse

Recently, I had surgery on my other eye. The nodule on the right eye was removed last year and I had cataract surgery in March. My left eye requires the same treatment, and will heal from the nodule surgery with cataract removal and lens placement to follow. At my followup visit, my doctor was pleased with the healing. He said this scar is smaller and I’m hoping that it will be ready for the cataract surgery at my next visit.

I always find it amazing how much easier a trial is the second time around. Paying attention and learning makes it seem to go quicker. I’m less antsy this time, knowing the outcome when it is complete. I see great now with my operated eye – haven’t had 20/20 vision since I was a child. I will still need reading glasses but the joy of clear vision is a blessing. I didn’t know how bad my vision was until the first surgery was complete. I also learned more about my physical being…one medication caused such a bad reaction that it has been added to my no-go list.

Spiritual trials are very similar. Choosing to learn instead of fighting against the inevitable change is a simpler way to live. I know how to do that these days: Seeking wisdom in the scriptures, finding wise counsel from those who have gone before and succeeded, and yielding my independent soul to spiritual authority can shorten the journey to dependence on God and His ways instead of stumbling down my own path.

My physical health is improving too; I’m submitted to my primary care physician’s authority and not just going my own way. When a new idea comes, I run it by him first and I know he has wisdom for me. I believe my body is healing and there are results that show. I still have a long way to go; I need grace to get there the best way and I know it is mine through Christ Jesus.

I find evidence of God’s faithfulness at every turn. He’s even provided a new study about dealing with stress through Joyce Meyer. I’m learning some more keys about spending time with Him and how to focus on His plan for today. If you’d like to join me, you can find it at the link below. Blessings of His fellowship on you all today.


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