His timing is perfect

Gabor from Hungary

Once again, God’s timing for events in my life proves to be perfect. My cataract surgery is scheduled for this week. Testing and examination of my eye show that it has healed from the nodule removal even better than anticipated. The extended time between surgeries results in better probable outcome.

I believe each time this evidence shows up, my tendency to want to hurry events is lessened. By nature, I am a get it done yesterday person; my tolerance for waiting has been less than most people. It is a lesson I hope I am finally learning.

Other situations in my life are also on hold. One is that I need a new prescription for my nonoperative eye and it just has to wait until after surgery. Another is I haven’t seen my family in Canada for more than 18 months, forever for my nearly 2-year-old grandson. I miss them all so much and regret not having more time with a dear relative recently passed. My last trip yielded a sweet friendship that I long to renew.

The delay is also because I suffered a viral illness that revealed an underlying condition that needed treatment. I am healing from that, although still need medication until it’s complete. My physician is encouraged by my progress and I look forward to the complete healing I have because of the sacrifice of Jesus taking my infirmities.

I pray I come through this with greater patient perspective on life in general. I know I have learned the value of peace and resting in Him. I put it into operation in my life in simple ways. One is keeping my to-do list manageable on days when I’m not doing well physically. I drive to work in a big city. I choose most days to take the peaceful route. It takes only a few minutes longer but I arrive at work less stressed and more peaceful, allowing me to deal with whatever happens in the office with greater patience.

I look forward to seeing again with both eyes. Cloudy vision is not fun. I’ve stopped driving at night other than to return from work. I will get back evening hours to be out when needed/desired which will be a blessing. I also will be able to read without distorted vision; I miss reading for learning/entertainment and my job will certainly be easier again.

God is faithful to me and to all who believe. Allowing Him to work as He knows best and waiting on His time with patience and faith will yield awesome results – His best and my best is yet to come.

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