Abandon why and when


I will change what I ask God. This weekend Joyce Meyer was at my church. She spoke three different messages, all connected, at three services and I watched them all online.

I realized as I listened that two words need to be heard less often in my prayer time – why and when. I admit I don’t ask why often, but I still do sometimes. Why doesn’t matter; all that I experience allows me to grow closer to God, more dependent on Him and His grace, and to trust in His plan for my life. The when depends in part on me; if I choose to learn the lesson, the season can be shortened. But if I harden my heart and stiffen my neck, I go around the mountain more often than I might have needed to do.

Yielding to His plan and His ways is always my goal. I often dislike the situation in which I find myself learning. But long ago, I committed to allowing His lordship in my life and to His process in my maturation as a Christian believer and His child. That commitment sometimes makes for an uncomfortable season that stretches me and grows my faith. Scripture is clear that all discipline for the moment seems unpleasant but it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness and being more like Jesus, my goal every day.

I like planning things; not knowing the when for changes to come hinders my plans but makes me more dependent on God, always a blessing.

I am learning that the whys are more apparent in hindsight; recognizing a lesson learned is easier than seeing where a trial is going. Trusting for understanding in the future is part of the maturing process for me.

Walking daily for all my needs reins in my independent bent; yielding to His strength and giving up my own makes me a more obedient servant.

It also makes for peace and rest (Hebrews 4: 3 and 11). I thank God He is teaching me the value of each, and giving me grace to enter the place of resting in Him and His works, which grows peace in my life. The turmoil in this world affects me less than it used to; resting and trusting in His righteousness alone makes strife cease and a life filled with peace is precious to me.

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