My times are truly in His hands


God is never late although it seems He is when we are waiting. I am convinced He cannot be late because of His character. Unlike me, He sets everything in motion at the right time. His omniscience precludes any tardiness. There is new confirmation of this for me.

A family member got word this week just in time to save her a long drive; she got to sleep instead.

Approval for my leave of absence seemed to be late, but a call to my human resources department at work disclosed that the delay will actually save me money.

I noticed that I was almost out of probiotics on the right day; the replacement bottle arrived in time to keep me on my schedule.

I saw an infomercial that confirmed I need to add a couple of supplements; I just hadn’t known exactly which ones. I found them online at a significant savings.

His perfect timing is also seen in my medical leave; my family has been gone and the rest and quiet I needed are found in my own home. The progress is going well and I will be ready for their return.

Even my choice of primary care physician years ago is evidence of His plan; my physician’s own medical history gives him experience to advise me better than most. Indeed his partner has additional training in care of the condition I was diagnosed with and I’ve had to see him because of my primary’s vacation.

God is good all the time and all the time God is good. A friend and I have quoted this to one another in times of grief and pain; we remind each other of His faithfulness.

Hindsight is always 20/20 they say. Remembering when God was good encourages me, and hopefully you, to expect His goodness in the future.

Psalm 27:13  I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living.(AMP)

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