Best laid plans

My best plan fell through. I had to cancel my appointment for cataract surgery because I had what my doctor thinks was the flu. And then the other shoe dropped. My lab work done in getting a return to work was beyond scary. Values for 2 tests were through the roof, indicating I was desperately ill. My doctor sent me to the ER for an expedited assessment resulting in overnight observation and a new chronic illness diagnosis. Managing that diagnosis led to a leave of absence from work.

This is not what I envisioned for my holiday season. But I am making progress as I rest and titrate medication. I believe I am healed completely because of what Jesus did for me and everyone that day when He died on the cross. I am also submitted to my physicians until the numbers show the manifestation of complete healing.

Did God know about this? Absolutely; nothing surprises Him. And I know He has lessons for me in this season.

One, I am learning more deeply about submission to God and those in appropriate authority. I have a very independent personality. When I was a small child, I chose to be obedient, usually because my mother explained why it was necessary. I still struggle with this at times, even being a new creation in Christ.

Two, I am choosing to use tools I already have to hold myself accountable to the criteria for health. I let go of them previously; now I realize I might not be in this situation if I had maintained a healthier pattern of eating.

Three, I will fight for my need for consistency of schedule. I cannot do my job, help others, and obey God’s instructions for day to day living without a framework for my activities. I am already good at schedules; I need to make sure the one I’m on results in a healthier lifestyle.

David trusted that God would fulfill His plan to make David king despite Saul’s pursuit of him. I am learning to leave the past behind, live in today and look forward to what lies ahead, knowing God is in control.

Psalm 31:15 My times are in Your hands; Rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from those who pursue and persecute me. (AMP)

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