Path will grow brighter

I am looking forward in a new way. Seeking God for a way to spend my days writing about His faithfulness is heavy on my heart. Circumstances at work are such that the delight is waning, a sure sign in my life that change is coming. Agreeing with God that writing is my life’s work is playing in both my head and heart. My spirit knows that it will be different soon…it’s just that God calls all times soon and the actual time frame unfolds as He moves not as I desire.

My mother taught me that working to live is the priority. Family and relationships have always been more important than money. Living to work is out of order for me; I work as unto God but my job is not my life. Events have unfolded that require that I spend even more time preparing for, traveling to, and doing my assigned tasks. It is overwhelming my week. Robbing myself of sleep is not an option; I deteriorate in many ways when my time to sleep is insufficient. So this mandatory increase in time spent working is taking from family, time for myself and time for God.

I am not happy about any of it. Like most folks, I find change in my daily schedule disturbing and fight it tooth and nail. I welcome change that improves my life but making change still can be difficult. I am willing and do what’s necessary – I recently discovered that having my supplements sorted and in a dispenser to be helpful. I’ve successfully done that weekly now for a while and am committed to succeeding in making this change. I also know that I am better off when I spend time on my elliptical machine; it’s getting to it before it gets too late that I’m having trouble implementing. I will get there by God’s grace.

Every day at every opportunity I seek His face about the future. I want what He wants above all, because I know His plan is best, not just for me but so His purpose for my life and work is fulfilled. He’s given me a dream – now I look forward to hearing how He wants it accomplished. I know the path will grow brighter and brighter.

Proverbs 4: 18 But the path of the just (righteous) is like the light of dawn, That shines brighter and brighter until [it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day. (AMP –

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