I asked for respite

Lake Louise from the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise by Peg Parker

I asked for respite and it’s come in measure. God eased some of the pressures at work and home. The future seems less uncertain and I am encouraged.

I made a decision to make a serious change in my life. Writing is what I love to do and I want a way to make it my career. The scriptures don’t speak about retirement, and I really don’t want to retire from productivity. I just want to change the actual work that I do.

This blog was started in obedience to God’s instructions. I tried years ago before blogging was easy and it just didn’t work. It is set up and easy now, but I still have to make writing a priority. My work schedule can be unhelpful; when I get home late as is the case lately, I get to bed later than I like and then don’t have time in the morning to write.

Being a morning person is wonderful for a writer, but I need enough sleep to be coherent to sit here and work. So I will be setting a timer to remind me to get ready to sleep.

I appreciate so much the number of people who have subscribed to my blog. Every one of you who has signed up has encouraged me to keep going. I would not stop even if there were only a few, but the growing audience for my exhortation to make time for God is a blessing.

Anyone who says writing is not work has never tried to do it consistently. It is work and I love doing it. I want the time to begin writing fiction again. I want to rewrite my novelette to make it better literature; I achieved what I dreamed of the first go ‘round but it needs to be improved.

Today and this piece of work feel piecemeal, not surprising with the distractions there are. But I need to express this deep desire to deal much less with other peoples’ words and more of my own.

This desire reminds me that making time for God in my Cleft For Life is critical to Him fulfilling my dreams. Understanding His plan and being obedient to what I hear in my quiet time will move me forward, as it always has. “Be still and know that I am God” is the hallmark of my life. He is faithful and will lead me to fulfill the destiny He planned for me.

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