New challenges

Unexpected challenges dot our lives, sometimes with exclamation points. I planned in my mind how my cataract surgery would go, easy to schedule, covered by insurance, a friend to help in the first 24 hours, back to work with no problems.

The examination last week to evaluate my cataract revealed there is a problem in both my eyes, perhaps from contact lens use in my 30s, perhaps related to autoimmune issues. It is not uncommon but could affect the outcome of the cataract surgery if not addressed first, according to the ophthalmologist.

I had asked God to supernaturally heal the cataract. If He had, I would not be aware of the severity of the other issue. His wisdom is always best. But now, I have to consider more than just one procedure: When it can be done, how much time off work, our work PTO schedule, do I need someone with me at home or just a ride to and from surgery (downtown no less), etc. I also need to decide if I want a second opinion.

We are shorthanded at work and it seriously gives everyone else problems if too many people are out. I experienced the “working with too few people” end and it is very stressful. I strive to be considerate of my coworkers; God’s word encourages me to be concerned and prefer others. My personal health warrants a degree of self-preservation, especially where my vision is concerned.

I am praying and seeking wisdom since the appointment and believe I’ve seen the path. Consultation with a trusted health care provider is my next step. I trust God will give him wisdom about and for me.

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