New attention from the internet

Sergey Zolkin

Apparently, my blog has garnered more attention on the internet. Multiple users have been added as subscribers to my blog and I suspect much of it has been from spambots. If you receive this blog post by email and have NOT subscribed yourself, know that your email address has been identified and added to a spambot list.

My blog posts receive monitored comments that require approval before publishing. If you did not subscribe yourself and would like to be removed, please comment on this post and I will remove you from the subscriber list.

I am looking into a plugin that will require confirmation from the email address owner before acceptance and will have one installed ASAP.

Please forgive the intrusion if you’re a regular subscriber. I did not want to become a spammer myself due to inappropriate appropriation of email addresses by a third party.

Learning something new every day. Blessings!

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