Way too long

Gabor from Hungary

It’s been way too long since I sat down to write. I have been struggling to figure out when to make time to write. Early morning (relative since I work until early evening) is my most productive time. I am taking my own advice and committing to being in bed by 11 p.m. from now on so I wake up on my own long before I need to get ready for work.

My goal for now is to post once weekly. It is a reasonable goal if I spend at least 20 minutes daily writing. A complete post, including writing, photo selection and tags, takes me 60-70 minutes to publish. My writing, however, tends to be less cohesive if I do it in spurts, so I will also spend a bit more time revising.

Since I last posted, I have been continually amazed that my country is still in such upheaval after the election. I remember other contentious elections but none with the kind of aftermath that still goes on. It is very distracting to people who want to get on with life, including me. I am considering a Facebook fast in order to cut down on some of the irritants. I can easily avoid the broadcast news and read it at my leisure. The other option for FB is to change my settings and try to eliminate some of the nonsense.

Another impediment to my writing is my desk. I have fallen way behind in keeping up with paperwork and just the appearance of my workstation is deterring me from sitting down and writing. If you pray, please pray for me that I can get caught up. I have sufficient storage next to my work station, so there is a place to put what I need to keep. I need to commit several hours over this weekend to make it happen.

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Day 2 – Last evening, I arrived home to a minor plumbing disaster that seriously disturbed my evening routine. It will all get fixed in the next couple of days but I didn’t get to bed on time (partly my choice) and woke up too early today. So grateful to have help with it all.

Part of my choice was watching a segment of a British TV show on Netflix. I hope I am learning from the choices the characters make; doing anything in anger can result in disaster down the road, as this episode so clearly demonstrated in two different ways. I was already more circumspect in my decision making, i.e. waiting for confirmation of a decision before acting, but the dire results from people’s choices hit home with me, encouraging me that my tendency to keep my temper in check as God’s word counsels is wisdom.

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Day 5 – I am finally making time to finish this post. God reminds me that He values persistence in His people asking Him for their hearts’ desires (Luke 11) and I believe He also values my persistence in seeking Him and what He wants me to share here. I hope to pass on the secrets I find in my Cleft for Life more consistently. He is always faithful and I want to be like Him.

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