Election fallout

Alex Blajan
Alex Blajan

This presidential election reminds me of others in my life in that the expected winner was defeated. It is part of a pattern I see in our government at all levels. It occurs when the pendulum has swung so far one direction that those who believe differently rise up and say “no more” and sweep a party out of power. It took two election cycles to accomplish it but, nevertheless it happened again.

Unfortunately, some people have forgotten this principle seen time and time again in our country’s history or they never learned it. The voting block I belong to this time was called “ignorant and self-deluded” by someone I know and it hurt. And then the position was justified by posting a link to a writer who clearly is ignoring the fact that each side has people who are guilty of verbal, emotional and sometimes physical violence. These un-American activities were going on before this election cycle by those who have no notion of fairness and will continue until their hearts are changed.

Many apparently do not understand that the presidential candidate is not elected for just their own personality; they are tied to a party platform which must be considered when selecting your preferred candidate. If you cannot support the platform, you cannot support the candidate.

I have forgiven what was said about the group I belong to, but my emotions are way behind my mind. I voted with a clear mind, heart and spirit. I am taking steps to limit my exposure to such rhetorical attack but recognize being totally insulated is unwise. I live in a society that values free speech (supposedly) and I recognize not everyone will agree with me. I chose not to attack Mr. Obama’s supporters after the last 2 elections despite my opinion of their choice. My hope is that others follow this example from here out.

Things will change again; they always do.

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