Pondering options

Hector Arguello Canals
Hector Arguello Canals

Last time, I described my delight in getting to visit Lake Louise and http://www.fairmont.com/lake-louise/ in Banff National Park in Canada with my younger son and his family. Today, I want to share my thinking since the visit.

The beauty of Lake Louise is only part of what altered my perspective. Calgary itself and its people also played a role in my view of my future. Calgary is a beautiful city; I didn’t actually make it downtown this trip but the skyline is lovely from the edges of the city and my son assures me it is as lovely up close. Their neighborhood is well cared for and has many mature trees. The city has pine, spruce and fir mixed with stands of birch and poplar as well as many beautiful shrubs and flowering trees. It was greener than normal for September because of more summer rain than usual. Driving on the well-planned highways yields views of far more green space that one imagines in a large city, as well as beautiful rivers and small lakes.

Driving also puts the grace and courtesy of Calgary’s citizens on display. Houston drivers are known for discourtesy; I’ve been guilty myself on more than one occasion. But most drivers I saw in Calgary were careful for themselves and others, let other cars into line for exits without horns protesting, and generally made the road a more peaceful place to travel.

And then there were the people I encountered in shops and restaurants. Courtesy reigned there too: No rushing, helpful advice, genuine interest in helping you get the best result – all with a smile. My son tells me that the peace of Calgary extends to its people – much less stress and general conflict result in cooperative attitudes everywhere.

All this – the beauty of Calgary and Banff, the wonderful helpful and happy people, and my family including my daughter-in-law’s extended family – have me thinking new thoughts, entertaining new ideas about my life. I had been thinking for a while that I might become a snowbird, spending time with each of my sons and their families. Now I’m sure that I would like that very much, although the means to have my own space in each location would be best (God’s provision can be big enough). It requires a new lifestyle – working online and not in a location, having 2 of some things such as my favorite tea-making supplies, and the means to travel. God still hints that I may have a life partner in my future. Perhaps he’s not even American?

God has given me an expanded view of the possibilities for my life and I am excited for Him to unfold the future. I have tasks for Him to complete where I am but look forward to what He has in mind for me and those I love.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope. (AMP) Copyright © 2015 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, CA 90631. All rights reserved. From www.biblegateway.com.


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