Hiding in Him


It is a long, hot and tense summer. I have been frustrated in my attempts to write this post by many things. Work continues to be a nightmare; two people were on medical leave (one still is) and with vacations, we have been even more shorthanded since the beginning of July. Home with schoolchildren was the usual summertime chaos; sheer numbers can be overwhelming.

But the worst part about this summer is the innumerable, unrelenting reports of man’s inhumanity to man and its aftermath. Fear has gripped us all and instead of fighting the fear, we have taken it out on one another. I am hiding my soul in my Jesus, praying for our nation and world, trusting God is still on the throne and in control.

I use a line from one current Christian song by Casting Crowns “Be Held” as a balm to ease my troubled soul. Just repeating this line to myself helps immensely. The lyric says “your world’s not falling apart, it’s falling into place” and each time I say it, I reassure myself that God’s plan is best and my cooperation is all that’s needed.

I will be 65 this year. The world is so changed from my childhood. Technology looms large now; it was an afterthought when we played outside, made up fantasies to live out, rode bikes, went “down the hill” to play in the undeveloped slope of trees, and walked to the swimming pool a few miles away during hot summer days. Rotary phones, portable radios and black and white TV (4 channels) were our technology. You don’t miss what you never had.

This week, I’m frustrated because of a hacker; they got to one of my email accounts, the one that was attached to Facebook, and I uninstalled the application on my smart phone because of log-in issues. First world problems seem ludicrous in light of what else is going on.

On top of it all, there is the presidential election campaign. All the rhetoric started after Labor Day not so long ago. The unrelenting, never ceasing first world media means avoiding it is nearly impossible these days. Probably being of FB except at home on my computer is a good idea until November’s outcome.

Hiding in Him is always where I go. My Cleft For Life is always there. I cling to peace and rest in Him everywhere but especially as I drive in big-city traffic to work – and it’s not even rush hour when I’m out. And tense situations at work require even deeper seeking. The silent cry of “oh God” echoes in my heart many times a day and “Jesus have mercy” escapes my lips when I’m frustrated beyond bearing, all too frequent lately.

We will not return to the peaceful past I remember. But we can return to the presence of our God, knowing that peace and rest originate in our relationship with him.

Find peace today in Jesus.

Hebrews 4:11  Let us therefore make every effort to enter that rest [of God, to know and experience it for ourselves]…AMP

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