Truly Free


A Facebook friend posted a notice a few weeks ago about a Kindle book sale: Robert Morris’ “Truly Free – Breaking The Snares That So Easily Entangle” and I jumped on the opportunity.

I love Robert Morris as a gift to the church. He is committed to giving his church and the church at large fresh bread to save, sustain, heal and deliver us.

I read this book chapter by chapter over the course of about 10 days. It reinforced what I already knew to be God’s word about snares that keep us from being truly free. (I recommend reading whole chapters one at a time when you get into the meat. Pastor Robert completes his teaching with prayer at the end.)

The Holy Spirit used this book to reveal some choices I had made that resulted in consistent, repetitive sins that could not be overcome. I discovered that while trying to change my mind about them and so be delivered, I had not dealt with their roots, some originating in childhood and a couple that were generational in nature.

I found one of them was an inappropriate spirit of independence. I realized that while elementary school age, experience taught me that I could not expect my father to keep his word. It rattles a child’s security to know that for certain. I wanted to have my own support, to live my life the way I wanted it and to not depend on anyone. It was reinforced by divorce later.

Greed was another root of sin for me. I don’t think any one has to be taught to be greedy but not all of us grasp for everything. This was a family trait from my father; his lifestyle of selfishness was easily caught and I lived with it until into my late 40s. This book confirmed its roots and also confirmed through prayer that it had been dug up and I was free.

I am including a link below to the Gateway website so anyone can find out how to get this book online or perhaps locally. It is also available electronically for Kindle and other e-readers. (I am not receiving compensation from this or other online address.)

I urge you all, my subscriber friends, to consider getting and reading this book and then passing it on to others. A workbook is also available at Gateway. Thank you, Pastor Robert Morris and Debbie Morris for your commitment to leading people to the healing and freedom through Jesus Christ.

I have new freedom and deliverance and my lifestyle reflects that freedom. Old habits are washing away. The new is coming.


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