On the road again


I wrote the following some time ago:

“I’m back on the road to writing again. My visit with the gastroenterologist proved helpful and she prescribed a specialized medication. I believe that I have favor with my insurance company and it will be covered. I believe it will heal the worst of my symptoms, allow me to go back to a more balanced diet, and energize me to really use my elliptical trainer again. I really want to feel well enough to write more again.”

It’s been a rocky 10 weeks. I got the medication and it helped but I’m still not where I want to be. I’ve scheduled a followup with the gastroenterologist later this month. I hope we can find some more complete answers.

In the meantime, I have learned that the strength and desire to get things accomplished that I have as a natural part of my personality need to give way to the strength of God. I need to make a number of changes to get healthier and my natural persistence is letting me down. And that’s how God wants it. I realized just this weekend that He wants me to learn how to operate out of His strength and not my own. My recent failures to make changes are uncharacteristic; I’ve always been able to do it in the past. But this time, I need supernatural help.

This week looks to be a turning point for me. My mother died this morning at age 91 and her funeral will be next weekend. I’m truly glad for her; she’s not really been well for several years and the last months have been very difficult. I am glad she is at peace and with those who’ve gone on before who greeted her this morning as she moved from the physical world to the spiritual one. And above all, she is with Jesus, worshipping with the angels and all who have accepted His blood atonement for their sins.

Less than two weeks ago, our family was blessed with a new arrival. My daughter-in-love gave birth to their first child. My younger son is happy and proud of her and the little guy.

So endings and beginnings are filling my thoughts. Endings and beginnings need to happen for me as well. Health, greater wholeness and more joy await. I look forward to them all.

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