And there goes the towel

Gabor from Hungary
Gabor from Hungary

I’m throwing in the towel. I decided this week that my self-treatment of my gastrointestinal problems has not been as effective as I need it to be. I’m pretty sure I was on the right track because I have had some improvement of symptoms, but a recent recurrence threatens my lifestyle. I made an appointment with a gastroenterologist for next month.

My health issues have changed over the years but I think they’ve all been related to autoimmune disorders. Undiagnosed celiac disease and polycystic ovarian syndrome/disease plagued me until the 1990s when both were finally found. Surgery on 04/07/1993 and diet changes helped and I believe God healed me of celiac disease. But I have been fighting lingering problems that impinge on my ability to go and do what and when I want/need to accomplish.

When I first figured out I had celiac disease early in 1999, it was not as well known as now. A local support group was where I learned the most and eliminating gluten-containing foods became a mission that changed my shopping habits and restaurant choices. More recently, I eliminate foods that seem to give me problems and the eliminated foods now outnumber what I can eat. The FODMAP list of potential problem items has helped; apparently I don’t digest any kind of sugar well. I also find that the nightshade family and avocados give me GI distress as well. And what I suspect is a leaky gut means that high-fiber fruits and vegetables, especially raw, are also no-can-eat foods.

All this to explain that I’ve found a gastroenterologist with an interest in my particular issues. I hope to find wisdom, probable upper and lower endoscopy for evaluation with cultures for bacteria, and then wisdom about how to heal. I’ve asked God for supernatural healing multiple times daily for years now. I am praying His pathway for my healing lies with this physician. I know healing is what God wants; He just wants it His way, not my preference.

I’ll keep you posted.

4 Replies to “And there goes the towel”

  1. Wow! I agree, God will do this in His timing. Sometimes we do pray and pray and lastly, we pray some more. Love the post! In the midst of it all, like an eagle, you will rise abve the storm.

  2. Peg,
    Praying for you. I had celiac also and went off of wheat totally 2 years ago. I’m off of all wheat, GMOs and sugar. I’m doing well. Be aware of hidden wheat in prepared foods. God has used this route to heal me and keep me healthy. We will be holding you up in prayer. God is the great physician.
    Have a blessed day!
    Ginger Patterson

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