Feeling cheated

mensatic.jpgI’m feeling cheated. Saturday night service at my church is one of the best parts of my week and I didn’t make it. Someone punched my driver’s door window on my truck, breaking it sometime Friday night. No clue who except it’s not the first time on our street. I reported the incident as vandalism online to the sheriff’s department. They patrol regularly here but can’t see everything all the time.

So I was tied up Saturday with an unexpected vehicle repair (had to take it in; no one could come out and fix it). And then I remembered my tire rotation was way overdue so I stopped and had that done. I had worked extra last week at my job and I came to the conclusion that emotional exhaustion had taken over and I really needed to rest Saturday night.

I was right but watching service online made me wish I could have gone. My church is awesome and I felt robbed because I didn’t get to do my real job, praying in faith for others in need. Also, my prayer team is a group of women I learn from every week and feel their love and support daily.

I’m not happy about missing church, but I am happy about the restful weekend I’ve had since getting my truck back in shape. Sunday was also restful with almost everything getting done. I can face another week with too much work to do and not enough people to do it. I have wisely arranged to take extra food each day in case I need to eat a meal at work before I come home at night. God has been faithful to take care of me this weekend, as He always is. His embrace welcomes me and I am happy that He let me know Him and His amazing love.

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