New focus at work


We are struggling to keep up at work. All this week, we are down 3 people – one resigned, one on health leave and one whose husband is having surgery. One replacement is in the works but it will take time. One should return next Monday, but the third is awaiting surgery and recovery.

One of my failings is taking responsibility for problems that I cannot influence or control and really have no authority to fix. It’s why letting God lead my life can be so difficult for me, especially under stress. By nature, I am what I call “a fixer.” I try to fix everything I can and when it’s not my job, I fail miserably. My attempts also sometimes offend others and my relationships can suffer because of my misguided efforts to “help.”

So today, I am asking God for grace to do my piece and let the rest alone. It’s also the best way to help my boss get through this difficult time. She needs my focused production. I need mental blinders to ignore what’s going on around me and just do my work for Him first. I know He will be faithful to honor my desire to help the best way I can.

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