Noticing His watchfulness


God was gracious to me this week as He always is, but I noticed it more this time. On my way home from work Tuesday night, He saved me from loss of my vehicle and perhaps serious injury.

I take the freeway and/or tollway to and from work; it’s the only way to get across town in a reasonable amount of time. It’s at least 15 minutes longer taking side streets instead. I was on the feeder road on the way back. It has 4 lanes on the outbound side. The inside lane is the U-turn to get to the inbound feeder, the next lane goes left or straight, the 3rd lane goes straight or right and the outside lane is a right turn only. However, this feeder road was built so all 3 outside lanes could go straight and they added the right-turn only feature when the traffic volume increased to such a level that 2 right turn lanes were needed. I often turn right from the middle lane; the outside lane backs up more. Because the outside lane can go straight, some people don’t pay attention and try to do that instead of turning. I have seen numerous accidents there with the 2nd turn lane vehicle being hit by someone who is trying to go straight.

I was about to turn right from the 2nd lane and something said ‘slow down.’ I did more than usual and just as I was about to turn my steering wheel, an old mid-side vehicle flew through the gap in front of me, going straight instead of turning right from the right-turn-only lane. The vehicle missed mine by inches. If I had been going a little faster, my truck would have been totaled and I would have probably been injured. I thank God for his graciousness to warn me in a way I could recognize.

I am thinking tonight that there are probably a lot of times my gracious Heavenly Father has saved me from serious trouble and I don’t even know it. I am so grateful for God’s watchfulness over me and those I love.

Do you have a story of God’s watchfulness and keeping you from harm?

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