He teaches, I learn


God demonstrates His faithfulness to teach me and answer my prayers in ways I don’t expect. Recently, He demonstrated to me how perfectly He understands my nature and needs. I received a gift in the mail that will let me tick off of few boxes for my home and family and better plan for the future.

As a woman, one of my greatest needs is security. Women need to feel safe and protected. I suspect it is because He has given us the sure knowledge that we need to be safe when pregnant, giving birth and raising children. Even the adventurous women I know plan their adventures to include a measure of protection and safety. As a result of this need, we feel safe when there is a nest egg.

I remember my grandmother carefully saving up from her household money for a new washer and dryer. She used fewer prepared products and did more work herself to stretch her budget. She and my grandfather were very good at saving; they had enough in their nest egg to pay for the washer and dryer many times over. My grandmother took pride in telling us about Grandpa’s joyful surprise when she told him that she needed the new appliances and that she had the money already saved up. They lived through the Depression of the 1930s as adults and lost their business. They understood the importance of rainy day and retirement investment.

I somehow missed the lesson early in life but understand it now. I know to look to my heavenly Father as provider and always return to Him what is His from income so He can bless the rest. My security is found in His character and nothing of myself or this world. This gift has been more about His understanding of me and my nature and growing me to trust him more than it has the gift itself.

This morning, I believe I heard that there are large changes coming in my life, but that He promised to give me wisdom, knowledge, discernment and understanding when I seek His face in the midst of the change. I am grateful He taught me this lesson of going to Him in my Cleft for Life long ago and that there has been grace to go there and keep going every day, all day.

Have you spent time today seeking His face? He delights when you come as His child and friend. Relationship with our God is everything.

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