I believe

Gabor from Hungary
Gabor from Hungary

I believe that God’s grace is sufficient for me at all times for all circumstances.

I believe that I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living, that His promises to me are not just for eternity but begin in this life.

I am wrestling with God about a number of issues in my life:

  • My mother’s failing health
  • Provision for all that I and my family need
  • How to move forward with my writing career versus issues with my job
  • What I am to have in terms of friendships/relationships and how to make time for people with my schedule as packed as it is.

I see a pattern in my life that, when I am juggling this many questions, something new is coming; God is about to answer my questions. I believe my faithful God will always be on time, never late. I also believe that He always answers with what is not just good, but best.

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